JK Rowling has done it again! An excellent story with lots of imagination captivates you from the first minute. The story is about witches and wizards in New York 70 years before Harry Potter is at Hogwarts.

Fantastic Beasts is the story of Newt Scamander who is writing a book about fantastic animals around the world. The special effects are brilliant! The animals are sometimes strange, sometimes scary (a veces da miedo) and sometimes cute. When evil forces destroy the buildings (edificios), the wizards repair them easily with their magic wands (varitas mágicas).

The actors are good and the story is exciting. Harry Potter fans must see it: just hearing the music will give you goosebumps (piel de gallina). It is also OK for people who have never watched Harry Potter. The good news (noticia) is that there will be (habrá) at least 2 more films.
The film lasts (dura) 2 hours and is a little scary in parts, but recommended for children and adults from 7 years old. You can see it in English with Spanish subtitles at Renoir Floridablanca.
Harry Potter vocabulary:
Cloak: capa
Broomstick: escoba
Scar: cicatriz
Owl: lechuza
Evil: mal
Alley: callejón
Platform: andén